Our experts have sold thousands or air dryers and water separators to remove water from your air compressor lines and we have put together a few questions to help you size the proper air dryer for your system. Note; we are not going to get too detailed but enough information to better help your air compressor system.
- What type of compressor do you have?
- Is it a piston/two-stage air compressor?
- If it’s a piston, does it have an afte rcooler?
- Is it a rotary screw air compressor?
- Is it a piston/two-stage air compressor?
- What size is the compressor;
- Horsepower
- Capacity
Air Dryers are sized by CFM or capacity, so the information above will required to size the right dryer.
Sizing Example 1; I own a small manufacturing facility and I have a 25 hp two stage air compressor with no after cooler. This compressor puts out 95 CFM, 160 degree outlet air discharge temp, 125 psi. For this example, I would choose a 100 CFM high inlet temperature air dryer and I would install a pre dryer particulate filter and a post dryer coalescing filter ( coalescing filters best at the coldest spot, which is after the dryer)
*Air Compressors without after coolers have a high discharge temperature, any compressor with a outlet temperature of over 100 degrees F should have an after cooler/exchanger installed prior to the air dryer or install an all in one high inlet temperature air dryer.
Here is a quick sizing chart to help you size the right dryer;
HP | Capacity CFM | Recommended High Inlet Temp (HTD) Dryer | Recommended *Refrigerated Air Dryer (+39) | Recommended *Refrigerated Air Dryer (-40) |
5 | 17 | 20 CFM HTD | 20 CFM | 20 CFM |
7.5 | 25 | 25-30 CFM HTD | 35 CFM | 35 CFM |
10 | 35 | 35-50 CFM HTD | 50 CFM | 50 CFM |
15 | 55 | 75 CFM HTD | 75 CFM | 75 CFM |
20 | 80 | 100 CFM HTD | 100 CFM | 100 CFM |
25 | 105 | 125 CFM HTD | 125 CFM | 125 CFM |
30 | 125 | 125-150 CFM HTD | 150 CFM | 150 CFM |
40 | 170 | 200 CFM HTD | 200 CFM | 200 CFM |
50 | 220 | 250 CFM HTD | 250 CFM | 250 CFM |
75 | 350 | 350 CFM HTD | 400 CFM | 400 CFM |
100 | 450 | C.F. | 500 CFM | 500 CFM |
*Standard Refrigerated & Desiccant Air Dryers require an inlet temperature of 100 degrees F or less
** Also take your inlet air pressure into consideration when sizing. Understand the pressure limitations to your air dryer.
The air dryer suppresses the dew-point, which removes the bulk of the moisture in the lines. You should also know that installing the following components will increase the success of your air dryer, here are a few suggestions;
- Install a water separator before the dryer (many rotary screw compressors have this as a standard line item).
- Install a pre filter before the dryer (many dryers extend their warranty with a pre-filter purchased with the dryer).
- Install a post filter after the dryer (this helps remove any oil and a coalescing filters best at the coldest point).
- Install a 3 valve bypass around the filters and dryer (this helps with servicing and related maintenance).
Here is a great infographic that shows a typical air compressor system.

Applications vary and so does the air quality for your process. Here is a great table that shows what you may need to achieve a certain classification of air quality.

Feel free to contact any of our experts for related sizing, pricing and/or free consultation.
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