,The better of many procedures will be as follows.

  1. Fill the aeration tank with water which is not having a TDS of more than some 200 mg/l.
  2. Dump cowdung at 10 % of the weight of the water in the tank.
  3. Start the aerator and allow aeration for 48 hours

• Cow dung is the starter for development of MLSS in aeration tank.
• Take fresh cow dung.
• Remove the grasses or any other foreign material.
• Prepare slurry in the separate tank.
• Add cow dung into aeration tank filled with effluent.
• Quantity of cow dung is around 3kg/m3 (as such basis).
• Keep the aeration on for 24 hr.
• Add urea & DAP to support the growth.
• Slowly take effluent intro aeration tank after 4 to 5 days.

If you need any further information then please free to contact us.

With regards to,

Prof. R. V Saraf
Viraj Envirozing India Pvt. Ltd.
Pune, Maharashtra
